Friday, May 6, 2011

Attitude Makes a Difference

"It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task, which more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome." William James

Last time I posted here about Ambition. Ambition is the key ingredient necessary in accomplishing one’s goals. Without it, it’s impossible to even decide what those goals are. If you are a Scentsy consultant, you probably had at least a little ambition toward what your business would become when making your decision. Maybe you want your Scentsy business to be a fun hobby. Maybe you want to earn a little extra money to put gas in your car. (Who doesn’t?) Maybe you need to replace a part time job. Or maybe like many of us, your ambition for your Scentsy business is to become financially independent and leave the nine to five grind behind.

Whatever your ambition for joining a Scentsy team—hopefully my team—that ambition will only get you so far. You also need a good attitude and action to put your money where your mouth is. Today we’re going to explore my favorite ingredient in pursuing your dreams—ATTITUDE.

Why is Attitude my favorite? Because it’s the easiest one to cultivate and control. At least it is for me.

I believe you reap what you sow. If you are honest and positive, people will be honest and positive right back. Have you ever tried to complain and gripe to someone who always wears a smile and sees the good in every situation? It’s no fun. They won’t get on board your whining train so you lose interest.

It’s the same way when you’re in a good mood around a negative Nellie. You know the one. They rain on every parade. No one wants to sit next to them at a party. When you ask how they are, they give you a laundry list of complaints and everything that’s wrong with the world.

You have a choice to make every time you open your mouth. You can either be positive and encouraging or you can talk about high gas prices and how the economy has tanked and no one is making money through direct marketing. It’s your choice. Do you want to encourage and lift up others? Or look for someone to board your pity train?

Yes, times are hard. The economy doesn’t look to be getting any better regardless on analysts’ predictions. Gas prices make me mad too. But I am blessed and highly favored or the Lord, and I take pleasure in sharing my enthusiasm for life and my business with others.

What about you? If you want your business to grow, you need to check your attitude. A good or bad attitude doesn’t only affect those around you. It affects how much effort and zeal you put toward your goals. The bar is set pretty high now for success. But it doesn’t mean it can be reached. If you approach your goals with the attitude that no one has money to buy Scentsy or no wants to join your team or you don’t have time or a supportive spouse or whatever else is holding you back, then you probably won’t go very far.

Fortunately our attitude is up to us. How’s yours? Are you determined to give your dreams everything you’ve got? Or are you going to wait to see what the economy does or how your mother-in-law reacts to another one of your pipe dreams?

Next time we’ll talk about taking ACTION. All the best laid plans in the world won’t do any good if you don’t back them up with action.

As always send your comments and let me know what you think of these posts. If you’re interested in making extra money to send your kids to camp or replacing income, contact me about Joining my Team. If you’d like to host a party or buy products for yourself, I can handle that too.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ambition--Do you have enough to reach your goals?

For the next few days I’m going to post a series of articles about how to achieve your goals. For the sake of this blog, the articles will be about building your Scentsy business. For most of us, Scentsy isn’t the only thing in our lives. We have a lot going on. The following post can be related to any area in your life that you would like to improve or reach your goals.

With Scentsy or any other type of direct sales, many of us hold ourselves back because we don’t want to come across as pushy or rude. We’ve experienced pushy salesmen who’ve turned us off of a product or ruined our shopping experience with their strong sales tactics. The last thing we want to do is emulate those salesmen.

Have no fear. You are not like them. You are presenting a product you are proud of and you believe in, and you are presenting it to someone who can benefit in the same way that you benefited.

But I’m getting off track here. The point of this article is to teach that you can achieve your goals—whatever they are—and step out of your comfort zone to reach them without alienating others or becoming a bothersome salesman.

Three things are vital to step out of our comfort zone in order to reach our goals.
The first component necessary in reaching our goals is AMBITION. Ambition—the first key ingredient we must have to reach our goals or to even become aware of what those goals are.

Ambition is defined as the desire for achievement of distinction and the willingness to strive for it.

What do you want? My goal with Scentsy is to supplement my sporadic writing income. That's kind of tricky because I don't always know a specific amount I need to earn each month. But I have an idea of what I need to do to build my business into a success. You probably do too.

Maybe you want to use Scentsy as a hobby. That's perfectly fine. Maybe you want to leave the workplace. Maybe you want to spend more time at home with your family. Take a moment to think about your goals and what you want.

Why do you want it? The economy is scary right now. Writing is a tough biz. I love the Scentsy products and I love sharing them with people, especially the opportunity of recruiting. I want people to be as blessed as I am.

Are you willing to pay the price? Hmm. This one gives me pause. Am I willing to turn off the TV, stay off the phone, put myself out there where I might be rejected?

I have a friend who keeps a money jar next to her workstation at the beauty salon where she works. Every tip and every extra dollar she can get her hands on goes into that money jar. She’s saving for a trip to Hawaii with her friends. They go every couple of years. Anyone who’s been to Hawaii knows it’s an expensive trip and sacrifices need to be made to make the trip a reality, especially on a stylist’s salary.

She really looks forward to this trip with her friends, and it’s worth every sacrifice she needs to make to get there.

What about you? Do you want to go to Hawaii? Back to school? Do you want to turn your Scentsy business into a full time income? How badly do you want to see these dreams come true?

Tune in tomorrow as we discuss how ATTITUDE makes a difference in the way we pursue our dreams.

As always I would love to have you join my Scentsy team. It's fun, exhilarating, and a thrill a minute. Contact me or visit my page. I promise to be there with you every step of your journey.