Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tips & Tricks to Stop Binging

The purpose of this blog isn't only to bring Scentsy to your attention, but also about my life during my Scentsy journey. One of the things on my mind a lot these days is--as often the case with women--my weight. I've never met a woman who doesn't think about her weight at least once in a while, usually daily. We wonder if we look okay in this outfit or if that one still fits or if we should wear this pair of jeans to the party since we're going to eat too much and the jeans will be tight and uncomfortable by the end of the evening.

Come on. Be honest. We think about it. We might even obsess about it.

Found these tips and tricks on Spark People this morning and thought I'd share them here.

1. 30-second savor trick. My sister did this one on Weight Watchers. Put a bite of something really tempting and yummy in your mouth and keep it there for 30 seconds. The idea is after 30 seconds you'll enjoy the flavor and sensation so much that one bite is enough to satisfy. My sister would savor a few moments and then spit it out. I always end up chewing and swallowing, but maybe you have more discipline than me.

2. Sip green tea. Okay, I know this is really supposed to work and green tea is awesome and makes you svelte and healthy, but it tastes nasty to me. I'd rather be fat and sickly than drink it. You'll have to try this one on your own and get back to me.

3. Eat a chunk of grapefruit before each meal. Grapefruit is supposed to lower insulin levels, helping you avoid the blood sugar spike that makes you crave goodies. That one probably works too. I eat grapefruit for breakfast sometimes, and I know it's good for me. Sadly, I'm not likely to carry it around with me to eat before each meal.

Basically, I'm back at square one as far as avoiding binges. I think whenever I want to mindlessly eat, I'll walk my dogs or do some jumping jacks next to my desk or brush my teeth. Sounds easier than those other tricks. But that's just me.

Back to work. Have a great day. And if you need Scentsy, would like to host a party, or join my team--that'd be awesome--I'm always here for you. Visit my website or shoot me a msg.

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